Welcome to TDR’s first edition of our Engineering Apprenticeship Access Programme (EAAP), Parent / Guardian Newsletter. My name is Danielle and I am part of the Business Support Services Team, employed as a Recruitment Coordinator.

One of my main roles with TDR is to work with the students on the EAAP, promoting any apprenticeship opportunities which come into TDR and offer Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG).
I am based at TDR’s Headquarters, Benton, however, I work out of the Training & Development Centre on a Thursday each week. There is an opportunity for all students on the EAAP to seek advice or ask any questions they may have and if it is at a time I am not at either site, all tutors and other staff are available to assist with any queries your child may have.
What’s been happening?
The students have completed 13 weeks of their 26 week programme with most completing three sections, or very close to completing their third, well done to everyone!
One of the great things about the different sections offered at TDR, is that students get the opportunity to experience almost every aspect of engineering, which includes Fabrication apprenticeship & Welding, Machining, Electrical & Mechanical Maintenance and Hand Fitting. Some students may not have enjoyed all of the areas they have worked in, however, it does give them all the opportunity to try that field of engineering to see whether it is something they may consider doing in the future. I know from speaking to a few, areas of engineering they would never have considered prior to joining the EAAP are not those that they are looking to start an apprenticeship in!
Over the last few weeks I have spent time with every student on the EAAP. This has been really beneficial as has allowed me the opportunity to get to know all of them and to find out how they have got on in their time spent with us at TDR. Working with them has allowed me the opportunity to introduce myself formally and for your child to know they have a point of contact within the Business Support Services Team. It also gave me the opportunity to start the process of putting together a profile for your child, to promote to employers, with information on how they are progressing, sections they have completed, their attendance and timekeeping and also feedback from their tutors. From these meetings, I have built up a good relationship with each student and hopefully working together will ensure we get your child into the right Apprenticeship on completion of their programme.
I was really pleased to be invited to a presentation at the Training & Development Centre on work that the students had completed on the Mechanical section. All of the students had a part to play in developing the presentation to TDR staff on what they had learned so far. We were all extremely proud of each student who worked on this presentation, not only did they work together as a team developing the presentation, they presented in a professional manner to staff. Very well done to all of the lads!!!!!
The photographs below show some of the activities the students have been involved in and they have helped get the Training & Development Centre into the festive spirit. All of our EAAP students are doing amazingly well and showing great potential for progressing into an apprenticeship!
What happens next?
We already have a number of employers who have been in touch to say they want to recruit an apprentice from this cohort of students. Apprenticeship vacancies have already been advertised across both sites, with most students applying for at least one job. Some students have already been invited to organisations for aptitude testing and interview! and we hope job offers will be made very soon. All students have been made aware of how to apply for any apprenticeship vacancies that come into TDR.
My role will be assisting your child with the apprenticeship vacancies, offering IAG around Apprenticeship vacancies and helping to get them prepared for interviews with employers.
Please encourage your child not to be disheartened if they don’t see a vacancy they are interested in. We are still in the early stages of the EAAP, and even if your child is job offered, they would not be able to leave the programme until March 2020 when they have completed their qualification.
Is there anything I can do to help support my child?
Please encourage your child to attend TDR Training on a daily basis. Attendance and timekeeping is vitally important to the employers we work with, and if an employer requests to see this information, it could jeopardise your child’s chances of being offered an interview or even an Apprenticeship if their timekeeping or attendance is not excellent. I appreciate Winter is a time of year when illnesses can be rife, but please try and encourage your child to attend every day.
Can I take this opportunity to say how extremely proud TDR are of every student who is currently attending our EAAP. The commitment they have shown to the programme is commendable and long may it continue.
And Finally….
Please remember those students who are currently based at Q1 Quorum Business Park, will be transferring their learning to The Training & Development Centre – Scotswood Road, from Monday 6th January. They will have exposure to other engineering sectors, including Fabrication and Welder apprenticeship, Machining, and Mechanical Fitting.
From all the staff at TDR Training, we wish you all a festive Christmas and a fantastic 2020!!!